Education for Ministry is a four-year ministry formation and theological education program for lay people. Participants meet once a week during the school year and are led by trained mentors. Participants form a tight-knit community while they study the Bible, church history, and theology, as they learn to engage together in theological reflection. EFM is an outreach program of the School of Theology, University of the South, located in Sewanee, Tennessee. Students are guided in discerning and nurturing their ministries, as we are called to do by our baptismal covenant. The process provides each member with knowledge and confidence about themselves, the Bible, theology, and ethics as they deepen their faith. Contact us HERE for more information on EFM.
Christians in Community is a group of men that meet each Tuesday at 7 AM to study the Bible and discuss how the teachings of the Bible relate to the community that we live in. All men are welcome and there are active members from many other churches. Click here to find out more about CIC .
Each summer during the youth Vacation Bible School time there is also adult VBS. The adults join in a common meal with the youth, participate in some of the activities, then go to the library for study and discussion. Watch here for more info on next summer's Adult VBS.
Our weekly Centering Prayer group meets every Thursday at noon. This Centering Prayer time is for anyone who wants to be acquainted with this spiritual practice or for those who already practice this ancient method of Christian Prayer. Everyone is welcome, members and non-members. Contact us HERE for more information.
The All Saints Library (downstairs) has more than 2,000 volumes and media resources, available to check out for free. If you have books to donate, or would like to volunteer to be a librarian, contact the church office.