Stewardship and Giving
At All Saints, we believe that God has entrusted us to be stewards of our resources, and of all creation. God calls us to give to the teaching of God’s word as well as the service of others. Giving at All Saints can take many forms. You can even help by using Amazon Smile, Hy-Vee, and TAGG!
See below for information on our annual Stewardship campaign and on planned giving.
We have two easy ways to give online. The best way for us is via PayPal’s non-profit portal. You can use it to give once or do a recurring donation, directly from your PayPal account or using a credit card. We are also set up with EasyTithe Online Giving.
Annual Stewardship Campaign
Each year, All Saints builds its budget around annual pledges. The annual Stewardship Campaign takes place in the Fall, and all are encouraged to give joyfully out of their first fruits. If you join us mid-year and wish to make or transfer a pledge, please contact our Financial Administrator, Kathy Kresin. Special gifts are also solicited at Easter and Christmas each year.
Planned Giving
It is the principal goal of Planned Giving to offer helpful discussions of charitable gifting ideas and strategies to assist parishioners as they explore ways to share some of their God-given treasure. The Planned Giving Committee will periodically publish in the Witness an informative article on a charitable gifting strategy or technique.
You are strongly encouraged to contact any member of the Planned Giving Committee, the Stewardship Ministry Team or Rev. Marisa Thompson if you would like more information about achieving your Planned Giving goals for All Saints. Many of our parishioners have remembered All Saints in their Last Will and Testament, by substantial lifetime gifts, and with their time and talents.
The Episcopal Church Foundation Planned Giving Page
Online Giving with PayPal
PayPal’s non-profit portal provides All Saints with the best options for accepting e-payments. PayPal, founded in 1998, is one of the oldest and largest providers of online payments. You can use PayPal donations with credit/debit cards without creating a PayPal account. (If you choose to set up a PayPal account on your own, you have the option of linking it to a bank account, and then you can set up your donations to use that account rather than a credit card. (This kind of donate-direct-from-your-PayPal-account setup means there are zero transaction fees for All Saints—but it is not required.)
With PayPal You Can:
- Use any major credit card, debit card, or your PayPal account
- Chose specific donation categories All Saints creates (pledge, youth program, …)
- Set up recurring monthly donations
Click Here to Donate Via PayPal Now
Online Giving with EasyTithe
You can now make financial contributions online easily, safely, and securely. We have provided this online giving feature as a convenient way to support All Saints with your tithes and offerings. It is important to note that giving online is not replacing any of the traditional ways by which you already give. If you wish to set up an online giving account, please click HERE.
Are You New to Giving Online?
If you are new to Giving Online, you probably have many questions. For that reason, we have provided a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that just might provide the answers you are looking for. If however, after reading through the FAQs, you find that you still need help, you can always send an email to the church office. Regardless of whether you call or send an email, please provide your name, a phone number where you can be reached, and your question.
To be able to give or make a donation online, there are only a few basic requirements. You need:
- Access to a computer that is connected to the internet.
- Setup your online account.
- A valid debit or credit card.
- A valid email address.
- A valid phone number.
- A valid street address.
Charitable Giving When You Shop: TAGG and Baker’s Grocery
All Saints is set up to be a recipient of donations from Amazon Smile, TAGG, and Baker’s!
It’s easy to help us with your regular purchases – see below for details for each platform.
Baker’s Grocery
Use this link to sign in to (or create for the first time) your Baker’s customer rewards account, and select All Saints Episcopal Church in Omaha to support. Baker’s will donate a percentage of your purchases to the church.
Together A Greater Good (TAGG) is a local organization that connects people, businesses, and charitable organizations for mutual benefit. (You may have seen their ads at local cinemas.) See this video from TAGG that explains how to use their app when you make purchases and benefit All Saints.