All Saint Episcopal Church Omaha

Our Community Garden: Feeding people, soul, mind and body

The All Saints Community Garden consists a group of 4' x 10' boxes available for individual use to grow and manage fresh produce for personal use and local food pantries. An individual garden box can be rented on a yearly basis for $40. Current Members have the first right to renew each year and any extra boxes will be available for rent after that. We also currently have four Community Boxes that are maintained by the group and the produce in these boxes are to be shared with our local community and food pantry guests.

To become a member, please download and print out the Garden Plot /Use Agreement form.  Mail the signed form with your enclosed check (payable to All Saints Episcopal Church) to: 

All Saints Episcopal Church
Community Garden Project
9302 Blondo
Omaha, NE 68134

Alternatively you can rent your garden box or support our garden boxes online by going to our Online Giving page. Just select "Community Garden" from the menu there. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND PRINT OUT THE GARDEN PLOT/USE AGREEMENT FORM AND MAIL IT TO THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. We still need to have the signed form on file.

All Applications are first come first serve based on availability.

Note that financial assistance to cover the $40 fee is also available. Contact the church office at 402-393-8612 or HERE for more information.

Click this link to find out more about All Saints Creation Care efforts, and click here if you'd like to volunteer to join our Lay Weeders group, which helps maintain all of our grounds and pathways.

 Community Garden

This garden is planted by individuals but there are also some beds for anyone to harvest.

Summer Picnic Schedule

Our summer garden picnics are open to everyone. The main course is provided; bring a side dish to share if you are able. Picnics start at 5:45 at the Retreat Center, immediately following the 5:00 PM Eucharist in the chapel.
Join us next summer for food and fun!

Many Hands make Little Work

Building the boxes and cleaning up each fall is part of the commitment of All Saints

New Boxes
 A place to relax

Building A Gazebo